Example: Using Abed for comparing regression methods

Below we describe a complete walkthrough of an experiment ran using Abed. In this example, we will compare three regression methods (OLS, Lasso, and Ridge regression) on ten artificial datasets with varying levels of sparsity. Code for this experiment can be found on GitHub. There are two versions, one using Python for the methods, and one using R.

Below, the Python version will be described, but differences with the R version are minimal.

Note: throughout this documentation, code lines that start with a $ sign are intented to be typed into a terminal.

Let’s begin, first we create a new directory for this experiment, and change to it:

$ mkdir abed_example
$ cd abed_example

In this directory, we run the following command to initialize Abed:

$ abed init

This creates the minimal directory structure needed, as well as three files: abed_conf.py, abed_tasks.txt, and abed_auto.txt. The first file is The Abed Settings file, and is the one we will focus on first.

Defining the experiment

Let’s open the abed_conf.py file using our favorite editor, and change some of the general settings as follows:

PROJECT_NAME = 'abed_example'
RESULT_DIR = './results'
STAGE_DIR = './stagedir'

If you have access to a compute cluster, you can set those parameters in the next section of the settings file. If you don’t have access to such a server, you can skip this section and run the computations locally. For the compute cluster, we currently assume it is a PBS type compute cluster, with a scratch directory set through an environment variable. The following server parameters should definitely be changed:

REMOTE_USER = 'username'
REMOTE_HOST = 'address.of.host'

The next section of the settings file defines three variables: MW_SENDATONCE, MW_COPY_WORKER, and MW_COPY_SLEEP. In a typical experiment with a sufficient number of tasks these settings do not need to be changed from the default. In this case however, we will perform a small experiment, so we will set:


Since we don’t need intermediate copying of result files, we can set:


Now, on to the next section of the settings file. This section defines the type of experiment we want to run (see Types of Experiments for more info). Here we’ll use the 'CV_TT' type, so we uncomment the following lines:

CV_BASESEED = 123456
YTRAIN_LABEL = 'y_train'

The section on “Build settings” can be skipped, as we will implement our methods in Python or R for this example. If you want to work with compiled executables, you can define the required build procedure here.

The next section of the settings file (“Experiment parameters and settings”) is arguably the most important, as it defines which tasks will be executed. We will leave the DATADIR and EXECDIR unchanged. The datasets can be defined as follows:

DATASETS = [('dataset_%i_train' % i, 'dataset_%i_test' % i) for i in
        range(1, 11)]

This creates a list of pairs with the names of the datasets as pairs of training and test datasets: ['(dataset_1_train', 'dataset_1_test'), ('dataset_2_train', 'dataset_2_test'), ..., ('dataset_10_train', 'dataset_10_test')]. This corresponds to the 'CV_TT' experiment type, as described in Types of Experiments (please read the documentation there before continuing). Now we can define the methods:

METHODS = ['OLS', 'Lasso', 'Ridge']

The PARAMS defines the parameters that will be used in the grid search, each combination of the parameters will result in a single task, which will be executed by Abed. For the Lasso and Ridge methods, only one parameter will be varied, the cost parameter. We define this as follows:

        'OLS': {},
        'Lasso': {
            'alpha': [pow(2, x) for x in range(-8, 9, 2)]
        'Ridge': {
            'alpha': [pow(2, x) for x in range(-8, 9, 2)]

This defines the grid of values for the alpha parameter in Lasso and Ridge. Note that OLS needs no parameters. The PARAMS setting relates closely to the COMMANDS setting, which we will define now:

          'OLS': ("python {execdir}/ols.py {datadir}/{train_dataset}.txt "
          'Lasso': ("python {execdir}/lasso.py "
              "{datadir}/{train_dataset}.txt {datadir}/{test_dataset}.txt"
              " {alpha}"),
          'Ridge': ("python {execdir}/ridge.py "
              "{datadir}/{train_dataset}.txt {datadir}/{test_dataset}.txt"
              " {alpha}"),

Note that we use {alpha} in the command for Lasso and Ridge, since we used that name in the PARAMS setting above. Below the code for the executables will be provided. First, we continue with the next variable in the settings file, the METRICS setting. We will use two metrics, the mean squared error and the mean absolute error, both provided in the scikit-learn package. Since we’re using the metrics submodule from this package, we first import it at the top of the settings file, as follows:

import sklearn.metrics

Then, we define the metrics as:

         'MSE': {
             'metric': sklearn.metrics.mean_squared_error,
             'best': min,
         'MAE': {
             'metric': sklearn.metrics.mean_absolute_error,
             'best': min,

Note that we set 'best' for both metrics to min, since lower is considered better for both of these metrics. It is also possible to define your own metrics, this is described in metrics.

In addition to the metrics defined above, we also want to compare computation time of the three methods. For this, we keep the default value of the SCALARS setting. The remaining settings in this section will be kept on their default values.

The final section of the settings file is the “PBS Settings” section, which deals with the PBS server on a compute cluster. Here the desired number of nodes and the required computation time can be defined, as well as necessary modules and environment variables (see The Abed Settings file for a full description). We only change the walltime as follows:


Creating the datasets

Naturally you will have your own datasets in your simulations. Depending on the language you use for your executables, you may or may not have to write code for loading the dataset into memory. This is all done in the code you write for the methods, to keep Abed lean and allow for language independence.

In this example, we will use ten datasets generated with scikit-learn’s make_regression function. The full code used for generating the datasets can be found in the GitHub repositories (Python, R). The lines that actually generate the datasets are:

X, y, coef = make_regression(n_samples=900, n_features=20,
    n_informative=10, bias=bias, noise=2.0, coef=True,

X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y,
    test_size=1.0/3.0, random_state=42)

In this case, datasets are collected as a scikit-learn Bunch object and pickled to a file on disk. All of this is not necessary for Abed, but is just the way we’re doing it in this example. If you have a different procedure for storing and loading datasets, that’s no problem in Abed.

Writing the executables

Abed places no restrictions on the programming language used to implement the methods. Here we will use Python to implement the methods. For reference however, this example is also available with the methods implemented in R, see this GitHub repository.

There are not many requirements on the way your executables for your experiments are written. However, if you want to make use of the METRICS setting, Abed requires you to print the true and the predicted values of your target to stdout. Abed will catch this output and store it in a text file corresponding to the hash of the task. This is later processed by Abed into the output files and result webpages through the function parse_result_fileobj(). If you need to print other information to stdout, you can start lines with a ‘#’ symbol, as these lines will be skipped. Results written to stdout should start with a label line which tells Abed the name of the quantity that is printed. For instance, % y_true y_pred would yield the label 'y'. Labels are detected using the find_label() function. Finally, it’s also possible to print scalar values to the output (computation time for instance). In that case, the name of the label should correspond to the name given in the SCALARS setting.

Here is an example of output we can expect for this experiment (elipses denote continuation and shouldn’t be part of the output):

# lasso, cost = 1.0
% y_train_true y_train_pred
0.352766 0.487470
0.487392 0.736820
0.423434 0.470752
0.379526 0.770139
0.024067 0.401180
% y_test_true y_test_pred
0.866426 0.979242
0.487919 0.810133
0.935068 0.495839
0.847661 0.396830
0.092845 0.013258
% beta_true beta_pred
0.221069 0.862545
0.076156 0.339206
0.283400 0.998565
% time

When you’ve finished writing the executables, don’t forget to add them to the Git repository with git add and git commit. Remember, only files that are part of the git repository or are in the datasets directory will be pushed to the compute cluster.

Starting the simulations

When you’ve finished setting up your experiment, have generated or obtained the datasets, and have finished writing the executables, it is then time to start the simulations.

First, reload the tasks in Abed to make sure the task file is up to date:

$ abed reload_tasks

The reload_tasks command should also be used when you change something in The Abed Settings file. After this, it is time to start the simulations. This can be done either on a compute cluster, or locally on your computer.

Running on a cluster

When you choose to run the simulations on the compute cluster, the first thing is to setup the environment for this project on the remote server. You only need to do this once for each experiment:

$ abed setup

This command sets up the remote directory structure and copies over the datasets. It might be useful to take a look at how Abed sets up this remote structure. More info on this remote setup can be found in the Overview and Tutorial. Now, it’s time to start the simulations with a simple:

$ abed push

Abed will push the latest version of the Git repository contents to the compute cluster, unpack everything there in the current directory, generate a PBS file based on your settings, and submit the job to the queue. When all tasks are finished, you can retrieve the compressed results with the command:

$ abed pull

This command downloads the bzipped archives from the current directory in the project folder on the cluster, unpacks them in the staging directory (STAGE_DIR), and finally move the results to the RESULT_DIR. In this result directory the result files will be organized in a hierarchy based on the method and the dataset, for easy lookup. The pull command ends with updating the TASK_FILE, removing the hash of tasks that are finished. You can see the remaining tasks with the command:

$ abed status

If more tasks need to be done, you can push again to the compute cluster now. The process of pushing and pulling can be automated using the command:

$ abed auto

For this to be useful however, it is adviced to configure password-less login to the compute cluster by exchanging SSH keys.

Running locally

If you prefer to run the simulations for this example locally, you can do so quite easily with Abed. The command you need to run is:

$ mpiexec abed local

Note that mpiexec may automatically select the number of cores that are used. Please refer to the documentation of the command (man mpiexec) for more info. Running these computations should not take more than a few minutes. The results of these computations will be placed in the STAGE_DIR during the computations, and will be organized into the RESULT_DIR as a last step. When the computations are finished, the task list needs to be updated with the command:

$ abed update_tasks

If everything went correctly, Abed will show that there are no more tasks to be done.

Analyzing the Results

When Abed detects that all tasks have finished, it will automatically generate the summary files from the results. If this fails for some reason, the command:

$ abed parse_results

does the same.

Two types of summary files are generated: text files and HTML pages. The text files are simple text tables, whereas the HTML pages include both tables and figures. Here, we will focus on the HTML pages. To view the results, type:

$ abed view_results

This should open your browser and show the main result page of your project. At the top of the page you will see links to various tables and figures which you can use to explore your results. For a more detailed description of how to analyse the results, see Analyzing Abed’s Output.