Source code for abed.zips

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

Functions for dealing with zips of results

    The bz2file dependency is needed because tar.bz2 files are created with
    pbzip2, which results in multiple streams in the tarfile. The Python 2.x
    tarfile module does not handle multiple streams, but the bz2file package
    does. Unpacking the tarfiles is thus done in two separate steps.


import bz2file
import os
import shutil
import tarfile
import sys

from .conf import settings
from .datasets import dataset_name
from .progress import iter_progress
from .tasks import init_tasks
from .io import error, warning
from .utils import mkdir

splitext = os.path.splitext
basename = os.path.basename

def _unpack_zip(zipfile, all_tasks):
    fpath = "%s%s%s" % (settings.ZIP_DIR, os.sep, zipfile)
        b = bz2file.BZ2File(fpath)
        tar =
    except tarfile.ReadError:
        error("Could not read tarfile: %s" % fpath)
    ziplog = settings.ZIP_DIR + os.sep + "abed_unzipped.txt"
    with open(ziplog, "a") as fid:
        fid.write(zipfile + "\n")

[docs]def unpack_zips(): ziplog = settings.ZIP_DIR + os.sep + "abed_unzipped.txt" if os.path.exists(ziplog): with open(ziplog, "r") as fid: unzipped = [x.strip() for x in fid.readlines()] else: unzipped = [] all_tasks = init_tasks() bzips = [ x for x in os.listdir(settings.ZIP_DIR) if x.endswith(".bz2") and not x in unzipped ] if len(bzips) == 0: return for fname in iter_progress(bzips, "Unpacking zips: "): _unpack_zip(fname, all_tasks)
[docs]def move_results(task_dict): mkdir(settings.RESULT_DIR) subdirs = os.listdir(settings.STAGE_DIR) for subdir in subdirs: subpath = "%s%s%s" % (settings.STAGE_DIR, os.sep, subdir) if not os.path.isdir(subpath): warning("Skipping file in stagedir: %s." % subdir) continue files = os.listdir(subpath) for fname in files: fpath = "%s%s%s" % (subpath, os.sep, fname) hsh = basename(fpath)[: -len(settings.RESULT_EXTENSION)] if settings.TYPE == "RAW": dset = "dataset" method = "method" else: if not hsh in task_dict: print("Unknown hash: %s" % hsh, file=sys.stderr) continue if settings.TYPE == "ASSESS": dset = dataset_name(task_dict[hsh]["dataset"]) elif settings.TYPE == "CV_TT": dset = dataset_name( ( task_dict[hsh]["train_dataset"], task_dict[hsh]["test_dataset"], ) ) method = task_dict[hsh]["method"] outdir = "%s%s%s%s%s" % ( settings.RESULT_DIR, os.sep, dset, os.sep, method, ) mkdir(outdir) dpath = "%s%s%s" % (outdir, os.sep, fname) shutil.move(fpath, dpath) clean_empty_dir(subpath)
[docs]def clean_empty_dir(folder): try: os.rmdir(folder) except OSError: dirs = (x for x in os.listdir(folder) if os.path.isdir(x)) for d in dirs: clean_empty_dir(d)