Source code for abed.results.assess

Functions for generating result tables for type 'assess'


from .models import AbedTable, AbedTableTypes
from .ranks import make_rank_table
from .tables import make_tables_scalar
from ..conf import settings

[docs]def assess_tables(abed_cache): tables = [] for target in abed_cache.metric_targets: for metric in abed_cache.metrics: tables.extend( assess_make_tables_metric(abed_cache, metric, target) ) for scalar in abed_cache.scalars: tables.extend(make_tables_scalar(abed_cache, scalar)) return tables
[docs]def assess_make_tables_metric(abed_cache, metric, target): # First create the normal table table = assess_build_tables_metric(abed_cache, metric, target) table.higher_better = ( True if settings.METRICS[metric]["best"] == max else False ) table.type = AbedTableTypes.VALUES table.desc = "Metric: %s" % metric = metric = target table.is_metric = True table.metricname = metric # Now create the rank table from the generated table ranktable = make_rank_table(table) return [table, ranktable]
[docs]def assess_build_tables_metric(abed_cache, metricname, metric_label): table = AbedTable() table.headers = ["ID"] + sorted(abed_cache.methods) for i, dset in enumerate(sorted(abed_cache.datasets)): row = [] for j, method in enumerate(sorted(abed_cache.methods)): values = list( abed_cache.get_metric_values_dm( dset, method, metric_label, metricname ) ) best_value = settings.METRICS[metricname]["best"](values) rounded = round(best_value, settings.RESULT_PRECISION) fmt = "%%.%df" % settings.RESULT_PRECISION row.append(fmt % rounded) table.add_row(dset, row) return table