Source code for abed.fab_util

from fabric.api import env
from fabric.context_managers import cd as fab_cd
from fabric.context_managers import settings as fab_settings
from fabric.operations import hide, run, put, get

from .conf import settings

[docs]class MyFabric(object): """ Class to manage env etc. """ def __init__(self): = settings.REMOTE_HOST self.user = settings.REMOTE_USER = settings.PROJECT_NAME self.environment = "staging" self.project_path = settings.REMOTE_DIR self.port = settings.REMOTE_PORT self.data_path = None self.empty = None # Use the ssh config of the user. If a password is still requested, # ensure that the key is added with ``ssh-add /path/to/key``. env.use_ssh_config = True
[docs] def run(self, command="", warn_only=False, cd=None): env.host_string = "%s@%s:%s" % (self.user,, self.port) if self.empty is None: with hide("output"): self.empty = str(run("echo")) if cd is None: cd = "/home/{}".format(self.user) with (fab_cd(cd)): with fab_settings(warn_only=warn_only): with hide("output"): output = str(run(command)) text = output[len(self.empty) + 1 :].replace("\r", "").strip() return text
[docs] def get(self, source, dest): env.host_string = "%s@%s:%s" % (self.user,, self.port) get(source, dest)
[docs] def put(self, source, dest): env.host_string = "%s@%s:%s" % (self.user,, self.port) put(source, dest)
if settings is None: myfab = None else: myfab = MyFabric()